One Couple One Lawyer
You instruct one impartial lawyer who tells you both, together, what is legally fair in your situation.

One Lawyer. Not one each. And no taking sides. Just the legal advice you need to reach a fair deal, without the drama.
One Couple One Lawyer (or Single Lawyer) joint advice can take place without any legal proceedings having started or alongside legal proceedings. It is recognised and supported by family judges as a good way to avoid court. It is suitable in most cases but not all and you will need to have individual screening meetings first. It is usually significantly cheaper than having lawyers fight it out, and many services are fixed fee (not hourly rates), so you can set a budget and stick to it.
If you are a separating couple who fundamentally just wants to reach a fair outcome in respect of the division of your finances and/or arrangements for your children, a One Couple One Lawyer service is a very streamlined and cost-effective way of getting expert legal advice but cutting out the conflict of a two-sided process.