Separation and Divorce FAQs
Have a question for Courtney? Check out our answers to some common questions around separation and divorce

So, you’re separating? Or the D-word is in your search terms? Welcome to the club, made up of over 40% of people who marry in the UK. So, you are sure to be in excellent company. Nelson Mandela, for example. And Elizabeth Taylor. Heroes, goddesses, lollipop ladies and everyone in between. It’s normal, it’s life and like all processes, the aim is the other side.
Here's some debunking from our experts. Remember, most of these topics are covered in more detail elsewhere so lookout for the links. If you have a question and you cannot find the answer below, please tell us by emailing and we try to include an answer in future.
Remember, Courtney does not give legal advice but we can offer general information to stand you in good stead.