Meet the Courtney Team

Courtney was founded by five women: lawyers, creatives, entrepreneurs, trustees, volunteers, parents, award-winners and serious multi-taskers. Each of our founders has experienced massive highs and the toughest lows. Courtney's mission is our common drive. We are supported by our brilliant chair, Lewis, and by our growing team of expert contributors.
Together we have over a century of legal experience, principally in the top tier of litigation.
The Team
- Samantha SingerSamantha is a parent, spouse and reluctant cleaner-upper. She has been a family law barrister for 20 years, specialising in big money divorces. Her professional passion is her pro bono charitable work which tends to involve complex legal issues. Beyond work and family, Samantha loves books, cake, fizzy wine and being very still, ideally simultaneously.
- Sophie WellingsSophie is a wife and mother to two, very blonde, very cheeky little cherubs. She is also a family law barrister specialising in high net worth divorces. Sophie and Samantha have been colleagues in chambers since 2011. Courtney was born from their mutual interest in sharing their expertise more widely for the greater good. Since navigating the complex landscape of infertility and career Sophie has become passionate in advocating for, and campaigning towards, better understanding of women’s health issues in the work place.Outside of work Sophie enjoys interior design, singing and hiking in mountains (preferably near lakes). Sophie is exclusively fuelled by builder's tea and northern grit.
- Helen BlytheHelen is mum to two boys, wife to another, and patiently adored by her golden retriever. Prior to children, she was a management consultant, mainly advising and guiding Government departments through transformation and change. She has a huge passion for well-run organisations, and the public sector - and would describe herself as a social justice warrior. Helen is the non-lawyer member of the team, providing the lay person lens and attempting to keep us on track to deliver our vision for Courtney.Helen’s biggest passion in life is being outside, walking her dog listening to podcasts, cooking, and anything that involves organisation. Favourite quote: ‘no sailor ever learnt a thing in calm seas!’ (Captain Lee, Below Deck).
- Victoria LeeVictoria is a mother, solicitor, and owner of several companies. She is our savvy, no nonsense FD who has unlocked many obstacles in bringing Courtney to life. Her legal experience lies in preparing Wills and estate planning, so we can't wait to extend Courtney's information in this direction. Based in Leicestershire, she has been pivotal at broadening Courtney's reach beyond London.In her spare time she can mostly be found in the water, preferably in a wetsuit under a blue sky, or planning her next travel adventure.
- Lewis Marks KCSince we are boasting about children, Lewis has four sons, three grandsons and – thank providence – a granddaughter. He has specialised in family law – specifically what is now called Financial Remedies – for over 30 years, having cut his teeth for a decade on murder, robbery and fraud. Lewis has been involved in several of the cases which have shaped the current law.Lewis’s main preoccupations outside work revolve around the desperate need for reform of the law on end-of-life decisions and assisted dying, the live music business he runs with his youngest son and daughter-in-law and the Elysian fields of an eventually gentler life at his home in Haute Savoie.
- Lynsey Cade-DaviesLynsey is also a big money divorce barrister, well known for her razor intellect which she pairs with a dazzling smile. She has returned recently from parental leave; Courtney is excited to welcome her back and enjoy the special brand of oomph she brings to absolutely everything (parties, especially).In her spare time Lynsey loves anything sporty especially involving snow or horses and has a sideline career in house renovations.
Acknowledgements and Thanks
It takes a village. And Courtney couldn't be luckier with the skillset of hers. Here are some shout outs to those without whom Courtney would still be in the starting blocks.
We couldn't do it without:
- Our chambers and cheerleaders, QEB
- Our brand strategists, Cutler + Goddard
- Our audio-visual superstar, Brook Morgan
- Our sonic branding team, Hear Me Out
- Our graphic design and social media queen, Bex Toms
- Our business mentor, RK
- Our web developer and purveyor of patience, Josh Marks
- Our various early supporters, suppliers, sounding boards, and our families and friends
Is There A Place On Team Courtney For You?
Courtney is a special, virtual working environment with a laser focus on our purpose: empowerment of those facing a legal issue by translating our century of topflight legal experience into easy, speedy learning.
We are keen to develop a directory of regulated professionals who share our purpose and tick our boxes.
Alternatively, if you would like to join our growing list of content contributors, we would be keen to hear from you, too. You will need to be an expert in your field and a self-starter keen to contribute to a young start-up.